Monday, August 28, 2023

Teach the "Whys" with Anchored


Over the many, many years where churches have had intentional Children's Ministries, we have done a good job when it comes to teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe. But for some reason we never focused on teaching the "whys" - why we are able to believe what we believe. While we absolutely must teach the "whats" we also must teach the "whys" - when we do not, we end up with the results we are seeing in families throughout our churches - where young people are turning away from their faith and many of them are turning to atheism (as Barna's research shows), and growing numbers of people are saying they do not believe the Bible is true (as Gallup's research shows.) If we are going to stop these trends, we must start teaching the "whys" with as much intentionality as we show when we teach the "whats".

Results from Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research Show People Do Not Believe the Bible - Use Anchored to Help Children & Families have a Confident Faith

  I often refer to the study from Barna which shows Gen Z is turning away from their faith to atheism at double the rate of any previous gen...